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Microsoft Exam 98-375 Questions Answers Test Simulator

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Microsoft 98-375 Exam Topics

Manage the application life cycle 20-25%

Understand the platform fundamentals

  • Packaging and the runtime environment: app package, app container, credentials/permission sets, host process, leverage existing HTML5 skills and content for slate/tablet applications

Manage the state of an application

  • Manage session state, app state, and persist state information; understand states of an application; understand the differences between local and session storage

Debug and test an HTML5-based, touch-enabled application

  • Touch gestures; understand which gestures you test on a device

Build the user interface (UI) by using HTML5 25-30%

Choose and configure HTML5 tags to display text content

Choose and configure HTML5 tags to display graphics

  • When, why, and how to use Canvas; when, why, and how to use scalable vector graphics (SVG)

Choose and configure HTML5 tags to play media

  • Video and audio tags

Choose and configure HTML5 tags to organize content and forms

  • Tables, lists, sections; semantic HTML

Choose and configure HTML5 tags for input and validation

Format the user interface by using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 20-25%

Understand the core CSS concepts

  • Separate presentation from content (create content with HTML and style content with CSS); manage content flow (inline versus block flow); manage positioning of individual elements( float versus absolute positioning); manage content overflow (scrolling, visible, and hidden); basic CSS styling

Arrange UI content by using CSS

  • Use flexible box and grid layouts to establish content alignment, direction, and orientation; proportional scaling and use of "free scale" for elements within a flexible box or grid; order and arrange content; concepts for using flex box for simple layouts and grid for complex layouts; grid content properties for rows and columns; use application templates

Manage the flow of text content by using CSS

  • Regions and using regions to flow text content between multiple sections (content source, content container, dynamic flow, flow-into, flow-from, msRegionUpdate, msRegionOverflow, msGetRegionContent); columns and hyphenation and using these CSS settings to optimize the readability of text; use "positioned floats" to create text flow around a floating object

Manage the graphical interface by using CSS

  • Graphics effects (rounded corners, shadows, transparency, background gradients, typography, and Web Open Font Format); two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) transformations (translate, scale, rotate, skew, and 3-D perspective transitions and animations); SVG filter effects; Canvas

Code by using JavaScript 30-35%

Manage and maintain JavaScript

  • Create and use functions; jQuery and other third-party libraries

Update the UI by using JavaScript

  • Locate/access elements; listen and respond to events; show and hide elements; update the content of elements; add elements

Code animations by using JavaScript

  • Use animation; manipulate the canvas; work with images, shapes, and other graphics

Access data access by using JavaScript

  • Send and receive data; transmit complex objects and parsing; load and save files; App Cache; datatypes; forms; cookies; localStorage

Respond to the touch interface

  • Gestures, how to capture and respond to gestures

Code additional HTML5 APIs

  • GeoLocation, Web Workers, WebSocket; File API

Access device and operating system resources

  • In- memory resources, such as contact lists and calendar; hardware capabilities, such as GPS, accelerometer, and camera


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